

always has good gifts with purchase, but this one is worth sharing!
8 Madagascar Vanilla Beans, free!
They typically run their promotions monthly, but I'd jump on it.
If you haven't visited their site yet, it's worth a look. There are so many spices- it's quite inspiring.
I have been using fresh vanilla either in place of (or in addition to) real vanilla extract.  
 Or, if you're feeling feisty, try your hand at homemade Kahlua.  

 4 cups brown sugar
2 cups water
2/3 cup instant coffee (Go for good flavor here. I like Whole Food's brand)
10 whole coffee beans
750 milliliters vodka (Cheap is OK!)
2  vanilla beans

Combine the water, sugar, and coffee in saucepan and bring to boil. Skim and allow to cool thoroughly. Pour into a large container, or divide between mason jars. Add vodka, coffee beans,  and vanilla bean. Store in a dark place for 3 weeks, and give it a shake every day. Strain through cheese cloth and filter through coffee filter into resealable bottles. Add a like cream or milk on ice, and enjoy!

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